Leadership in the Oracle Federal Community

In 2005, Oracle Federal asked i360 to take the lead in reorganizing and relaunching the Oracle Applications Users Group (OAUG) Federal Special Interest Group (FedSIG). Of all the large and small Federal government contractor firms experienced in Oracle Federal application and technology solutions, Oracle Federal asked i360 to lead this initiative – clearly an endorsement by Oracle of i360’s corporate capabilities and thought leadership in the Oracle Federal Financials (OFF) domain of expertise. i360 leadership worked closely with Oracle Federal and the OAUG to successfully accomplish this goal. For the following decade, i360 chaired the Federal SIG and held 2 of its 3 board positions. In this leadership role, i360 coordinated all FedSIG meetings and collaboration events both at OAUG conferences and with Oracle Federal in Reston, VA. The FedSIG was an important early vehicle for fostering communication and collaboration among and between Federal agencies and Oracle in the evolution of the OFF functionality, and i360 led the way in facilitating knowledge sharing and cooperation across the Oracle Federal community.

i360 is the only small business integrator that has participated in Oracle’s Federal Customer Advisory Board (CAB) customer meetings since 2009, at the invitation of Oracle Federal Development. In this capacity, i360 works with Oracle and Federal agency customers to prioritize enhancement requests for inclusion in future versions of OFF core product. The CAB meetings focus on the continuous development and enhancement of the OFF functionality to comply with constantly-evolving Federal accounting and reporting requirements and mandates. As a participant in the CAB, i360 has a voice along with the Oracle Federal customer community to influence the priority and direction of Oracle Federal Development in future versions.

In 2010, as an Oracle Certified Advantage Partner (at that time the highest corporate partner level in the Oracle Partner Network), i360 was a member of the Oracle Federal Partner Advisory Council (PAC) which provided another forum for i360 and other member firms to provide industry/integrator input and feedback to the Oracle Federal Development, Support, Sales, and Alliances organizations.

The many years of corporate leadership by i360 across the Oracle Federal community as described above, including Federal agency customers, Federal SIGs/user groups, Federal contractors and vendors, and Oracle Federal Development, Support, Sales, and Alliances is well documented, well known, and unparalleled among small business contractors, and is unmatched even by most large integrators.

Leadership in the Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Community

In recognition of i360’s leading capability as the Federal integrator with successful experience implementing and supporting Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM), Oracle Federal asked i360 to help establish an independent Federal CLM SIG. i360 worked with Oracle Federal throughout 2016 to successfully launch the CLM SIG, a fully independent Federal customer user group focused on CLM. i360 serves in an advisory role to the CLM SIG board to ensure that the SIG adheres to its bylaws and mission to provide the forum for communication and collaboration between Oracle Federal and the Federal customer community to address and prioritize issues and guide solutions and future direction of CLM product functionality.